Studentenpastoraat010 offers tailor-made trainings to student boards. In order for you to build a great year together, we offer our intensive trainings for a compensation of €10 per board member.

Common topics are:

#1: Leading an Association as Community
#2: Managing Conflicts and Frictions
#3: Refueling Motivation
#4: Dealing with Crisis Situations

Contact us to schedule a training.

#1: Leading an Association as Community requires specific leadership skills. How do you combine a business mindset and a personal approach?
#2: Managing Conflicts and Frictions: working under pressure puts a strain on relations. We train you to deal with such conflicts.
#3: Refueling Motivation: a board year can be very demanding. We train you to stay motivated as a team.
#4: Dealing with Crisis Situations: during a board year, difficult situations can suddenly arise, such as the death of a student or an abuse situation in the association. In that case, we can offer expertise and guidance through the process.

Trainings are:

  • Tailor-made
  • Low-cost (€10 / board member)
  • Typically 9.30am-1pm or 1.30-5pm

Download this information as a flyer.

Contact us to schedule a training.