Living with a Loss

Have you lost someone? Are you dealing with grief? Would you like to learn to live with the loss? It can be difficult to study when you’ve lost someone, even if it’s been a while. It often helps to talk about it with others who have had a similar experience.

In our Living with a Loss introduction workshop we discuss important insights on loss and how it impacts your life and your studies. During a Living with a Loss group course, you and other students meet weekly, a total of five times. Apart from the workshop and the group course, personal coaching is also available.

Team Training for Student Boards

Studentenpastoraat010 offers tailor-made trainings to student boards. In order for you to build a great year together, we offer our intensive trainings for a compensation of €10 per board member. Common topics are:

#1: Leading an Association as Community

#2: Managing Conflicts and Frictions

#3: Refueling Motivation

#4: Dealing with Crisis Situations

Support in Crisis Situations

When difficult situations arise in your student organization, such as the death of a student or an abuse situation in the association, we offer our expertise and guidance to consult you in those situations.

Group coaching is always customized, depending on your needs, circumstances and possibilities.

Motivation & Learning

Sometimes you can lose the motivation to continue your studies. To finish what you started, you need to know what motivates you. This also helps you to plan the next step in your studies or your future career.

Knowing your values helps you make motivated career choices In our training you will explore your personal core values by mapping your inspirational role models or life events. This allows you to select an employer with an organisational culture that is worthy of your qualities.

Tensions in Daily Relations

At home, during meetings with your board, or in other relationships you can at times get into conflict with each other. How do you deal with friction in a good way? Could the relationship also become stronger?

In this workshop we will work on non-violent conflict resolution skills. We will handle the sensitive topic of conflict by combining a plenary theoretical part and small-scale interactive group work. Apart from the workshop, personal coaching is also available.